Sodium of Polyepoxysuccinic Acid(PESA) CAS: 51274-37-4;109578-44-1
PUBLISH:admin READ:1143

Abbreviation: PESA40%

CAS Number: 51274-37-4;109578-44-1

Molecular Weight: 400-1500

Application Notes:

PESA is a multivariate scale and corrosion inhibitor with non-phosphor and non-nitrogen, it has good scale inhibition and dispersion for calcium carbonatecalcium sulfatecalcium fluoride and silica scale.with effects better than that of ordinaryorganophosphines. When built with organophosphates, the synergism effects are obvious.

Recommended Uses:

PESA has good biodegradation properties, it can be widely used in circulating cool water system in situation of high alkaline, high hardness and high pH valuePESAcan be operated under high concentration index. PESA has good synergism with chlorine and other Water Treatment Chemicals.


Package and Storage:

PESA liquid: 200L plastic drum,IBC(10L)customersrequirement.

Storage for ten months in shady room and dry place.

Safety Protection:

Alkaline, Avoid contact with eye and skin, once contacted, flush with water.


PESA;polyepoxysuccinic acid;Polyepoxysuccinic Acid(PESA);epoxysuccinic acid homopolymer;Polyoxirane-2,3-Dicarboxylic Acid2,3-oxiranedicarboxylic acid homopolymer;poly(1-oxacyclopropane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid);



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